Tidal equivalent for Classical?

I enjoy Tidal, but the classical catalog is pretty lean. I recall a thread in which someone identified a streaming service for classical music at 16/44 quality, but can't find the thread. Thanks for your help.
Tidal Classical music collection is pretty reasonable to me, but search function is horrible. It's very hard to find the one I'm locking for.
I have tried Tidal with and without Roon. Without, it's a total mess, especially for Classical music. It's as if the library and cataloging were devised by a chimpanzee.  With Roon, it improves considerably, though it can still be hard to find what you're looking for. I would say for the extra 50% that Roon adds to the cost, the functionality goes up by 500%.
@depetri, I too had the same issue as you regarding not being able to control classicsonline from the sofa. Recently a member told me about "Google chrome remote desktop". I am EXTREMELY computer illiterate and I got it to work. 
Basically, now my ipad controls my Mac Mini as a remote control from the sofa.
Look into it.