Tidal music to analog preamp


Novice here.

What is the easiest way to take advantage of the highest quality music via tidal?

My setup is router and wireless modem---analog preamp. I don't own a pc. I have a MacBook Air.

With as little cost/ complexity as possible please- it's a modest bedroom system.


FWIW I used to use and loved Sonos but just got an Auralic Aries Mini which is slightly more expensive than the Sonos $449 I believe is retail. I prefer the interface and also think it sounds better than Sonos and a plus in my urban environment it runs on 5g while Sonos is 2.4g only.
Thanks, I'm reading up to avoid compatibility issues. There seem to be several good options.
One kind of off the wall solution is a Fiio X7 wifi enabled player plus K5 desktop module.