Time for a new turntable......

I need some suggestions or opinions from some of you analog lovers out there. I am ready to upgrade my analog front end. At the present time I have a Denon 47F, Grado Sonata cartridge, and Lehmann Black Cube. I can get a great deal on a Basis 1400 w/ Rega 300 tonearm and another Grado Sonata. I was giving the opportunity to have the Basis in my system already and did an A/B comparison with my Denon. The Basis was better but my Denon held up surprisingly well. The Basis had a blacker background and the noise level was lower. Now, with all that being said I have been doing some research and looked into the Teres Turntable. These are very sharp looking turntables and the owners seem to think very highly of them. A lot of owners also seem to be using this turntable with the Origin upgraded arm. My question for you all to ponder and consider is; will the entry level Teres with the upgraded Origin arm give me a bigger leap then the Basis 1400? Also, do you think the Origin and Sonata will be a good match. I really like this cartridge and would still like to use it. Other tables I am considering are Rega 25, VPI Scout or a used HP III or IV.

Any suggestions or comments are greatly appreciated. None of these tables are available locally so I am unable to audition them.

Thanks guys!

Natalie, the Well-Tempered Classic is a nice table. It competes well with others in it's price range. It has a very innovative bearing design. All the other tables mentioned above are also good, and I would not disparage any of them. What I am trying to point out with the Teres TT, is that there is an opportunity now to get an unusual combination of high performance and reasonable price. Most TT's at a given price point will offer similar performance for the price, though some may be a little better than others. These are the ones that are the good values and sell well in the category. When you get a TT that leaps several price categories higher in performance, and the price stays in the low price category, that is unusual. And that is why I am always talking about it. Not that other TT's are bad, but that the Teres is such a good value. I don't know of any TT user who wouldn't want to get the sound quality of something like a TNT Mk4, or Basis 2500, for the price of a Scout. Now we could debate about whether one is really better than the other, but my point is that it is up in that league. The price is not. So, I am trying to help people get more for their money, by telling them about it. If others had done that for me when I was getting started, I would have greatly appreciated it. I am trying to do for them, what I would have liked someone to have done for me.
TWL, you sound like me defending the modded Technics 1200 in the under $1,000 price range!

Mitcheft, my feedback to you is to go in the archives and search for IKEA Rack. It's a suggestion from Ken Lyon of Greater Ranges/Neuance. Make yourself a TT stand w/ the IKEA tables and take it from there. It will cost you less than $40. Listen for a couple of weeks.

If your Denon sounds fine I would rather get rid of the Black Cube and get something better--an EAR 834 or a Monolithic PS-1. Dan Wright (www.modwright.com) uses both in his reference system. He also mods the outboard dual mono power supply for the Monolithic. Don't be fooled by how little they cost. I believe phono stage is *more* important than your TT choice.

If you still want more music then you can go ahead and buy another TT. Don't believe LINN.
TWL- Good post, especially for those who are considering moving into this quality level. But don't fret- you don't at all sound like you are trying to defend the Teres.
