To Hot to Handle?

I have been contemplating the purchase of a tube amp. However, one of my concerns is the possible heat issues associated with running a tube amp (or mono blocs) with 12+ tubes during the summer in the Northeast. I do not have central air in my apartment.

Would it really be unbearable? I would appreciate comments from anyone with such experiences/solutions. Or, are there any 75+ watt tube amps in the under $2500 new/used category that don't run hot?

Thank you in advance,
75Wpc monos will produce the heat of approximately 180W each on the standby and near 450W each during loud play.
Multiply it by two and you'll get a pretty efficient heater to heat 150 sqfeet room during the beginning of Feb.
Sometimes if I don't have enough heat in my room I can turn on the amps and add some extra watts of heat and be OK.
That's why I bought SS amp that I use either in bi-amp or just single one during summer. My wife is happy as well.
I think that when you go to demo the tube amps you will probably not be buying one. I have a pair of tube amps in the corner of my fairly large living room and they heat the space in the winter quite well. I admit it looks a bit strange having the speakers face me, sitting in the corner of my area warming myself with my amps.......
The VAC PA100 is 100 watts and the difference in heat radiated between it and one of my Classe DR8 solid state amps is neglible. I live in metro Phoenix AZ and do have A/C however heat is a big problem, therefore I don't have 450 watt tube monoblocks.
I disagree with Unclejeff; once you hear tubes you won't want to go back to that scrap-metal SS crap ;-)........Anchor's away! Why not learn to make the heat your friend!? Get an amp with a cage, add a skillet and some eggs and sausage and breakfast is only moments away! Then close the door and windows, roll out the mat and practice Bikram Yoga that's all the rage. Later on you can use the same technique for a nice sauna (I'd advise you skip the steam - those tube amps won't take very politely to a ladle of water being poured on them). So turn that frown upside down! Inside every dark cloud is a tube amplifier! If you've got a bunch of lemons, make some gin and tonics and get yourself stinkin'ass drunk, hurl all over the carpet, fall asleep in your own chunky monkey and wake up 36 hours later with a headache that'll make you wish you'd died in your sleep!


PS An even better solution that I recommend from personal experience: Head northwest young man! Where class A tube amps stay on all day and air conditioning is a foreign concept, and the sky is grey as far as the eye can see all winter long. (That last bit is to keep too many from taking me seriously and crowding our already overburdened highways - but you're welcome Bumpkin! Just clean that bit of puke off your shirt before you come out here!).
I live in the Northeast in an non-air conditioned apartment and I use a 100w/ch tube amp(8xKT88)for the last twelve years without a problem. Don't worry about it. If you want tubes, go for it!