Tok20000 is going pro

Audiogon Community,

I am no longer an amateur/reviewer in the audio world.

I have resigned from my reviewer post at Soundstage, and have taken on the responsibility of being a home demonstrator for Glacier Audio (

I made this commitment because I think the gear Glacier distributes is some of the best (if not THE BEST) available. If I was not totally blown away by Mark Gilmore's personal system (consisting of Glacier gear), I would not be representing Glacier.

Another company I have recently involved myself with is a startup company that is developing a hard disk based digital playback system. I am in charge of developing this product. We are not sure yet what this company will be called (in the end) or what the final product will be called (email me with questions or suggestions, heh heh), but I will say that the prototypes that I have built sound very promising. I am working on pricing the final product at a point where it will easily outclass digital two to three times its price. I will guarantee, it will change the way most people listen to digital.

From now on I will clearly state that I am a Glacier dealer in any post.


Keith Forrest
Glacier Audio
Monterey (Seaside), CA
As the old saw goes, Q: How do you make a small fortune in the audio business? A:Start with a large fortune.
Tok20000, good luck. I've followed the 'Gilmore speakers revealed' thread over on Speakers and figured it was best to sit back and see how things went, that the public would speak their minds - and speak they have indeed. You might have found revealing your pending affiliation with Glacier sooner to lend more credibility to your postings and to the products, IMO. I like Mark Gilmore both as a person and as a designer and wish him well. He's always been friendly and helpful.

I wanted to dispel what seems to be a popular misconception people have about Glacier Audio showrooms being Sound Lab dealers. Glacier Audio in Montana is a Sound Lab dealer, as is AudioKinesis in Louisiana. None of the other various Glacier showrooms around the country are Sound Lab dealers, to the best of my knowledge, nor do I believe any of them have Sound Lab speakers on hand to demonstrate. Sound Lab remains independent of Glacier Audio and has its own dealer network, of which Essential Audio, located in the Chicago area, is proud to be a part.

Brian Walsh
Good luck Keith. I hope that you the grass is as green on that side of the fence as you thought it was before hopping over : )

Other than that, the product lines listed are all very good gear. I can see how a system comprised of such gear could sound wonderful. Sean
Hi Keith,

Congratulations on becoming a Glacier Audio dealer! Please let me know if you have any questions or need information about Bright Star Audio products.

Best Regards,

Barry Kohan
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