Tonearm cable recommendations...

I have a Morch DP-6 and looking to find a great tonearm cable to go with it. I have an old VDH MC P-502 cable which sounds really good, but hoping to find something better...all opinions that can help appreciated. The budget is really around 500 USD and these seems real interesting to me...

Origin Live Linear Flow 2
Furutech ag-12

...and this is the one I'd really like to try and I know it is above my budget but opnions welcome (maybe they don't come with straight DIN that I need anyhow)...

Nordost Tyr

...(as I am very happy with my Nordost Blue Heaven speaker cables) and of course any cables you'd recommend.

Ag insider logo xs@2xgo4vinyl
If you like the sound of the vdh 502 you certainly love the vdh 501 hybride Silver[pure silver litze]that sounds a lot better,more detailled,smoother hi"s,no harshness.
I've been through it. I've have a UP4 now but have had a DP6 recently and went through the upgrade process. Most everything mentioned here is better than the TCI Viper except the VDH, I think. I've listened to the OL and the Tyr head to head and the Tyr was better in my system but the OL was really nice. For me the best, and the one I bought, was the Furutech. It just had the best of all the categories: tonality, highs, lows, mids. It's a really wonderful cable. All these were really way out of my price range but a good tonearm cable is such a worthwhile investment that I really stretched.
Anyone knows sonic differences between the Furutech Ag12 and the VdH D.501 silver?
I've had both in my Transrotor Atlante/SME IV/Benz Micro Ebony setup and more recently in my Sota Cosmos with the same arm and cartridge and I have found the Furutech to be only slightly better in soundstage width and maybe depth. Tone, dynamics and presence seem to be about equal and not too different. I think they both sell for the same price, roughly.
My reaction to both was ho hum.