Top turntables?

Which turntables bring out the most from our vinyls.
The presence ambiance, that "you are there" feeling.
I am looking to upgrade from an old tnt.
What, no Lenco, no Garrard :-)?!? Time will tell (is already telling), the sands of time are running....You want PRESENCE, excitement, the sort of PALPABILITY which hits you in the stomach and leaves you gasping for breath, try a properly set-up idler-wheel drive. Good luck in your search for musical excitement!
Walker if you have the money or used Maplenoll Signature Ariadne if on a budget.
I now own the big Kuzma XL with Airline, but if I had to recommend something for cost effectiveness, the Kuzma Reference with a Triplanar. I had this combo before I upgraded and WOW. The nice thing about the Reference (which is a smaller table than the XL) is that its isolation system is very effective and it is still light enough, unlike the XL, to be mounted on a wall shelf. Is it the 'best'? Who cares? The XL/Airline is 'better,' but at much greater cost and far more trouble to isolate, deal with airpump, etc.