Torus power avr 20

Anyone familiar with this product?
Every so often a product makes a major boost in sound quality. The torus avr 20 really upgraded the sound of my system. I have tried many power products such as tice, shunyata hydra, monster, furman and none did actually anything to better the sound. I live in florida were the votage fluctuations are from 114 to 124 on a given day. The torus solved all these problems and results were way beyond my expectations.
I'm between the RM20 and TOT AVR. The additional features within the AVR-series worth the upgrade?
fuzzfreindly, what did you decide on?  I am in the same boat trying to decide on the Tot max or the RM 15. Thanks Chris
I've got the AVR20 . It powers my entire system and results in totally noise-free ("black") backgrounds.

Enabled me to get rid of all the expensive Shunyata and Furutech power cables I had as they don't have any effect whatsoever downstream of the TorusPower unit - in that sense I can say that not only is it worth every single cent but also resulted in some savings :-) The only boutique power cable I now have is between the wall outlet and the AVR20.

My place also sees abnormally high voltages during day time hours so the AVR option was a no-brainer for me.
Late to the party, but is there a difference between the Torus RM15 and to TOT 15 other than price and size?