Toslink or 110 ohm aes/ebu?

My aging Museatex transport broke down and I am awaiting delivery of a CEC TL51X. I use a bidat which was recently upgraded by John Wright. Because I also have a Wadia 170, which only has a coax connection, I used a VDH Octocoupler toslink between the transport and the bidat. With the CEC I can use either the toslink or a 110 ohm aes/ebu interconnect. Any thoughts on this as to which would make the better connection with this equipment and recommendations for which brand? I know the gospel here is to try different setups and see which I prefer, but I looking for recommendations as to where to start.
I am using my 840c as a DAC and it has almost NO tolerance for jitter. I am using either an AirPort Express, known for its jitter or a Dishnetwork receiver to feed optical.......
In both cases, and the AE is worst, the system makes a real screech, almost like fingernails on a chalkboard.
Any suggestions?
Stereophile claims low word clock jitter (258ps)on digital output and 10x worst performance on analog out (sidebands).

I use Airport Express (smooth and clean) but my Benchmark DAC1 is jitter suppressing so I cannot really comment. Your unit might be defective or Toslink (or adapter) don't make good connection.
I have both AES/EBU and Toslink type INS/OUTS on my transport and pro. I can A/B them instantly on the fly. Without the 2496, the AES sound is more enjoyable to me than glass for absolute clarity, yet, both are very nice.

I placed the 2496 between my PDT-3 transport and Proceed AVP2 +6 pro using Van Den Hul glass cables. It still has that faint familiar Toslink softness, yet, the 2496 made significant improvements in silently correcting the peaks and valleys from 20Hz to 20K. I did this with both pure two-channel, then, re-ran it, adding a SVS Ultra-13 in 2.1.

I am impressed. In stict 2-channel, the fullness and balance is very much improved after EQing a flat line target - then, I added a small touch of parametric low-mid "L-12" bass as personal preference. The lower bass from my mains has much better balanced "legs" to support the musical body. Stage/musician nuances are more natural and balanced, too.

The 2496 reported a flat 20-20K bilateral responce with the SVS added. I've never heard the SVS blend in as cleanly and musically (The SVS is in the sealed mode for music). It has really disappeared, yet, is right in there. The volume level can go up dramatically compared to before using the RTA/EQ.

Some say don't EQ below 100 Hz or so. I feel that recommendation is for larger stage EQ work - there, the mike can't pick up accurate bass readings so far away from stage speakers. I set the mike right in front on a equal triangle between the mains, pointing it at each main when EQ'd. The 2496 had no problems correctly measuring/balancing bass responce down to 20Hz in my listening room.

I'm ordering a matching AES 110 cable to use AES/EBU cables with my transport for music. The glass cables are being transferred to EQ an OPPO video/multi-channel player.

To correct EVERY sources' in only 2-channel, I've ordered a matching pair of Mogami Gold cables (should do it!). This allows me to connect the 2496 with balanced cables between my pro's balanced L/R main outputs to the 2496, and from there, to the L/R main powered monitors. It also corrects balanced and unbalanced signal levels automatically - very nice.

Carefully reading the manual twice was the best advice I've seen to get a firm grip on the 2496. The first read nearly gave me a nightmare. I'll report it's well-written after reading it twice.