Totem Forest or Thiel CS2.3 ?


I am considering these two speakers and would appreciate opinions of those who have had experience with one or both of these speakers.

My room is a dedicated music/home theater room in my basement. It is 12'x28'x8'with carpet and lots of soft furniture and no windows. The speakers would be 8' apart on the short wall about 21" from the side walls and 41" from the back wall. I sit about 13' from the speakers.

Electronics include a Bryston SP1 pre/pro and a 4bsst amp.I use a sub for movies but prefer to turn it off for music listening.

I know my ears will be the final judge but would appreciate the opinions of Audiogoners. Would also like to know what a reasonable used price for either of these speakers would be.

Thanks very much!
Another appealing thing about the Forest is that you can drive them with lowish power if you ever decide to go that route. I am using 15 watt tube amps and the sound is fantastic. They claim the impedance never drops below 6 ohms.
Thanks to all of you for your helpful comments. Being Canadian I tend to lean towards the Totems. I have also heard good thigs about the Mani 2. Does anyone have any experience with it.

The Mani 2 would be ideal in your room in my opinion. I have had a pair in a similar room and it worked very well.
I thought the Mani 2 was excellent, but I believe it's more money, it's more difficult to drive and you need stands. I didn't feel they were justified compared to the Forests, but certainly another option for you.