Transfer of music from Sooloos to iTunes

It is my understanding that sooloos outputs music in a wav PC format. I have an iMac and iTunes (latest version). Can I download sooloos library music into an external hardrive that is currently formatted for Mac iTunes?
Why not call Sooloos and ask them? Get your answer straight from the horse's mouth so to speak. I'm pretty sure Meridian kept on everyone, and the Sooloos customer service is really top-notch... I got a call back once on a Sunday to answer a mundane question about playlists!

BTW the Sooloos rips CDs in FLAC...
I have a Sooloos Ensemble system with three 1Tb drives "on line" and the same in back-up. The old version 1.x software would allow you to export the FLAC files in MP3, WAV, etc. The new 2.x version of software allows only export via MP3. Major step backward in my opinion. I know others will disagree with me, but I feel that Sooloos product quality went down hill when they were purchased by Meridian. I've have a number of issues with my units and the new software and based on that, I do not have a favorable opinion of them at this time. This may change depending on their resolution of the problems I sent them on 10/13/09. However, they still have the best user / music file access interface available. I just don't like the rest of the product at this time.