Transitioning from SS to tube amplification

Except during my early years in this hobby when monaural and vacuum tubes were the only choice, I've always used solid state amps and, mostly, electrostatic and ribbon panels. Recently, I bought a 20+ year old pair of good stand mount monitors (Reference 3A Serie MMC) that sounded very good with my solid state Peachtree pre and power amps so I thought it would be a good time to also try a vacuum tube amp in lieu of the many challenges associated with pairing tubes with my Martin Logan electrostatics speakers.

I started with a borrowed entry level but well reviewed Primary Luna Prologue One integrated amp paired with the Peachtree Audio Nova integrated as the preamp. I chose this combo because of the Peachtree's source input choices as well, of course, to use its remote control.

Because most of my listening is to various genres of solo guitar that's what I used to audition this combo. My first impression was mixed in that the sound seemed, at first, somewhat attenuated as if the strings had been muffled with a piece of cloth having been laid on the fret board. On the other hand, the sound was very pleasing with some of the jagged edges rounded off. Overall, and regardless of which might be argued as sounding most realistic, I'm very satisfied with what I'll call its more relaxed presentation. I like it and will very likely stay with the tubes.

Please don't read this as my support of one technology over another; first, I'm not qualified to make recommendations. Also, I'm 73 years old and have become more sensitive to certain sounds especially from percussive sources, so this becomes a factor in music choices as well as equipment.

Now that I've decided to stay with tubes, what I would like advice on is where to go next. I like this Prima Luna very much but have been advised by several whose advice I've learned to trust, that at 91dB these speakers may not be sensitive enough to get the best from the A3. I suppose what this means is that I need to look into another amp or more efficient speakers.
Dekay, thanks, I understand now and it makes sense. Atmasphere, thanks for the advice but having just bought the ML Ethos speakers, the Reference 3 A's, and the Primaluna amp, I'm going to have to consider some less expensive fixes for awhile, at least.
OK, this is where I find myself with this issue. First, I spoke with a local audio dealer who used to sell the Reference 3A's and he confirmed what I'm reading here. These speakers have a sensitivity of 84-85 at best. That doesn't change how I feel about them, though; coupled with the PrimaLuna Prologue One they are, to me, up there with the best sound I can remember having in my home. I don't want to lose that very comfortable sound but I'm aware of the need of these speakers for more power to accommodate a wider dynamic range that Al has described on several occasions.

I have an opportunity to buy a used Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum for a very fair price which I know has quite a following and I've owned Rogue Audio solid state amps and think very highly of them. My concern is that I might lose something of what the Prologue delivers as regards it's smooth and comfortable sound. As a matter of fact, a local advanced hobbyist said that the Cronus has a noticeably "harsher" sound. Of course that is only one person's observation and one that might be cured with tube changes, I suppose.

Anyway, before I make another potentially questionable purchase, I'd like to hear what you all have to say. Thanks
If you can squeeze it the Rogue Pharoah would be hard to beat on paper with those speakers. Unless of course you prefer a softer sound you'd likely get with Cronus magnum or similar tube amp. It all depends on what kind of sound you are looking for.
Soft is definitely what I prefer. If it's necessary to achieve what I experience with the Prologue in a higher powered amp, I would even trade a little perceived resolution or detail to have it. I'd rather not, of course, but that's how hooked I've become on the so-called tube sound. I don't mean to infer that this type sound can't be achieved with SS, it's just that my research and conversations here lead me to believe that, in a general way, it's most likely to be found with tubes.

Try the volume pot settings I rec'd before purchasing other gear as the previous settings you mentioned may be the problem.

The PL should have more than enough power for the 3A's unless you have a large listening room (as you don't seem to listen @ high SPL's).

A good test would be to run the speakers with the PL (sans the PT) in order to see if the amp is capable of your expectations.