Triangle sound-signature category. Which brands?

I am curious about my options withing Triangle Speakers sound signature.
I like their sound: open, dynamic and life like, but I cannot help but wonder what else is out there that sounds just like Triangle, but perhaps more sophisticated or just better overall?
Please share your thoughts as I am very curious about my possible options.

Thank you.
I've got a paid of the Celius. I would note that it and the others I've heard are quite revealing and balanced. Good recordings sound glorious and poor ones are often a lot less so. They also take a long time to break in. I would also suggest they might be aided by a tube somewhere along the way -- such as a hybrid int. amp.

To me, they share some attributes with Dali and Sonus-Faber perhaps.
DKzzzz, which Triangle speaker have you heard that you liked? Monitor or full range?

For the most part, I find that the French speaker manufacturers share certain sound qualities. The three best known in the U.S. are JM Labs/Focal, Triangle and JM Reynaud. I have owned models from all three manufacturers and enjoyed them all. Personally I think that there is something special about the Reynaud speakers, but that's just me.

I agree with Mst that the Dali and Sonus Faber speakers are also similar (yet different) sounding, and maybe you could extend that to the Totem line as well.