Tube amp location

I've got a question for you tube guys. I'd like to add a couple of mono tube amps to my combo HT/audio rig. Problem is I have my equipment in an entertainment center which has glass doors on the front, so heat would probably be a problem.

The glass doors are not sealed and have about a 1/4" opening aroung the edge. The back of the entertainment center is fiber board which I cut out around all my equipmet for ventilation and access to wiring. I can easily get 6-8" clearance on top of the components, but only have 20" side to side.

I'm thinking this is not enough ventilation for tubes and I don't have space to put them on floor. Not to mention my wife would throw a fit. So my only other option is on top the of the speakers.

I have Klipsch Cornwall III's so I have a fairly large area to set the amps on, but I'm worried the vibration from the speakers would adversly effect the amplifiers/sound.

What do you guys think? Stick with solid state?


I have to agree with you, with all of the polished shiny aluminum on the turntable and rack and the lights on the mono amps people just ask does that really play music? In regards to the wife, yes, buy her furniture, in my case a new kitchen, now I have a kitchen pass, no pun intended, to get my next big thing if I want it, hmmm, 2 more mono amps, or 2 more tonearms, or whatever, hmmm.... but I think I might be done, really.
Hereabouts WAF--stands for Wife Acceptance Factor

I use more the WAF--Wife Assimilation Factor
you are wife gets assimilated when i tell her I will play whatever she wants and she brings down the wine...then the assimilation begins shortly after.
It seems that the biggest concern here is
the heat...from (????)
but, it doesn't nessesary have anything to do with tubes -
If you know what I mean...
In that case my only advice IS
"TUBE" rolling or some bias adj.