Tube amp power watts equivalent to Solid State?

I have a Cayin 35 watts tube amp. What is its equivalent to a solid state amp?
Tube amps if my memory hasn't gone on the blink have a higher dynamic headroom, generally speaking, than solid state amps, giving the impression of more power than is really there. IIRC many tube amps have a dynamic headroom of around 3 dB so that's what, double the power?
Apologies. As Almarg pointed out, I was comparing one tube amp to another tube amp rather than tube to SS. Duh. Only point, I guess, is that SET amp watts are more potent than push-pull amp watts, and nobody asked about that. Sorry.

To clarify something else, the speakers I've been driving with my 12-watters include ProAc Response 3 and a variety of Gallos, all in the 86-88 dB range.
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