Tube Amplifier Rec. for Proac 1.5 or D 15?

I am asking recomendations for a good tube amplifier from the experienced that have listened to a pair of Proac 1.5's or D-15's using various tube amplifiers?
I like the sound of a good EL34 or EL84 based amplifier, but I think the Proac's will need a minimum of 40 watts to get the best from them. The experienced users may know better about the power needed to run the Proac's than I do.
The buget for the amp purchase will be under $2000, used would be the bang for the buck.
Any suggestions will very much appreciated.
Norris Wilson
I just heard a pair of ProAc Tablette Reference 8's with an Audio Research tube preamp and power amp (not sure which models), and this combination was magical! I was absolutely blown away by how good those little ProAc's sounded. I am thinking of picking up a pair of Tablette Reference 8 Signatures for my office (probably powered with an integrated from Arcam or Creek).

Tom, see if you can find a used ARC CA-50 for your Tablettes instead (they go for $1300 or so and use 6550's). I use this integrated with my 1SC's and agree with your assessment of ARC with the Tablettes: magical!
Thanks for the heads up! I am not familiar with any of the particular Audio Research products, though I have certainly been impressed by everything that I have heard.

Thanks again, Tom.
Well, I found some information on the CA50, but unfortunately, it does not appear to have a remote. This would be a consideration, as my system will be across the room from me in my office, and I want to be able to mute or control volume without having to get out of my seat. Still, I'd love to have a tube integrated. Are there any that incorporate a remote?

Here are three good sounding tube integrated amplifiers:
1. VAC Avatar SE
2. Graaf Venticique
3. Audiomat Prelude Referece
I am not shure that all of them offer remote control, but they are worth checking in to.
Good Luck