Tube for a Noob ???

Hey all... I was hoping to get some advice on which way to go... I've been listening to digital all my life and wanted to get a taste of what tube brings to the table without changing the back end of my system... So I was thinking of either getting a turntable with a tube phono stage or getting an all tube cd player... I'll be able to run it through my processor (Classe SSP800) via analog inputs with no processing to the signal... The advantage with the cd side is I already have a library of cd's but I feel getting the turntable would be better getting that analog/tube sound I want to experience... Also does anyone know who makes a good tube cd/sacd player ? I hear that Rega makes good entry level turntables and of course need a easy to use tube phono stage... I want to be in the $1200 to $1500 budget.. And again, easy to set up and maintain...  Any help would be very much appreciated...
Modern tubes and modern solid state seem to be merging in timber.  ...there are more similarities than differences.
I agree with the others that if you are not committed to vinyl, I would stick with either CD's or digital downloads and get some tubes in there somewhere.  To make vinyl really effective you need a decent turntable/arm/cartridge combination, vibration control, LP cleaning rig and know how to set it all up.  

Tubes work best with voltage gain, i.e. in preamps and input stages of power amps but probably the biggest tube effect is on the output stages of power amps, also the most problematic.  There are also tube buffer units you can buy for a few hundred bucks that will add some of the traditional tube sound.  IMO, the best way to go would be either a tubed line stage or tubed integrated amp.  I have never heard a CD player with tubed output stage so I can't comment on that but they probably don't use much gain so the tube effect would likely be minimal.  I agree that Kevin Deal would be a good resource and he is a really honest guy, known and dealt (pun intended) with him for many years.
I would think it impossible to match CD/Music server quality for less that 5-6 K. IMO and coming from a person who is all tube/vinyl for the most part, that CD player I have comes close. It's only drawback is the vinyl solves the listener fatigue equation. Very little sameness throughout the night. Sometimes I go for 4-5 hours and can't do that with CDs. 
Another thing, building a collection of vinyl is an expense, although for me it has been fun. But then I have been building mine for 35 years. 
Also, be careful. You could get the bug and have another expensive obsession calling you in. 
Those late night sessions are magical though. 

THANKS PEOPLE...  turntable might not be the way to go for me.. PrimaLuna looks really nice but at $3000 I'd have to save some more money... Googled and found Jolida with some great reviews on their tube cd player... in my price range too... Also found Decware... But read their description and it said that it was strong enough to push a connected 40 watt amp... not sure what they mean by that ... I thought all you'd have to worry about is the input impedance..  I guess I'd have to call them so they can explain... my pre/pro (I think) is 47Kohm and amp is 100Kohm... 
The Modwright Oppo 105 with modded tube stage for 2 channel and it will handle your 5.1 HT as well. Works in my HT room. I stream from my network but it's also got a very good transport. Not cheap but still much less than a good vinyl setup and records are stupid expensive these days.