Tube Integrated Amp for Dynaudio Focus 140

Looking for suggestions for Tube integrated amp or hybrid integrated that will be a good match for my Dynaudio Focus 140 speakers. The speakers impedance is 4 ohms, sensitivity 86db. Budget around 3500.00 to 5000.00. I mostly listen to rock, jazz & blues. I have always owned solid state amps and was thinking of switching to tubes. I have done a little research and it seems tubes amps require speakers with higher sensitivity ratings compared to what i have. I checked stereophile recommended components and the absolute sound editors choice, and found products from Unison Research, Primaluna and one from Audio Research that fall within my budget. The power ratings of those products range from 35,40 & 50 watts per channel. Not sure if that is enough power or would a hybrid be a better choice.

Hello Brian.

You may want to consider Audio Note UK kits. Pete Fulton (Digital Pete) is an authorized kit builder for Audio Note UK equipment. I bought the L3 tube preamplifier from him with excellent results. The best part about kits is they can be customized to your needs. I upgraded my preamp with Dueland caps which sound fantastic.

Equipment link:

You can reach Pete at

Good luck!

Why not stick with an Octave V40se or V70se (pre-owned). I had an Octave V70se and V110 when I had original C1's and C1 signatures. Great synergy. Besides if you ever want to change up the sound you can roll tubes and not purchase different equipment. T+A is another good choice if you like SS.
Best of luck
I had excellent results using a Unison Research Unico SE hybrid tube integrated amp. 140 wpc/8 ohm and 240 wpc/4 ohm.

I was driving the Dynaudio Contour S1.4 and then the Volent Chorale CL-2. Both speakers were 86db 4 ohm. No regrets!
Thank you all for your suggestions. The Unison Unico SE sounds like it might be a good option. Thanks again

I would highly recommend the Primaluna DiaLogue Two using KT 120s and its 4 ohm output. I recently switched to this integrated after using solid state for many years, and now there is no going back!