Tube Pre-Amp with Low Gain

I'm looking for a tube pre-amp with low gain. So far, I've only identified the Manley Shrimp with 11.8dB. Do you know of others?

Any Blue Circle preamp that has the Shallco stepped attenuator has a gain switch (internal). On the BC3/BC3000, the high gain position gives you 23.5db, and I believe the low gain position gives you 11db.

(note: I'm a Blue Circle dealer)
The Canary CA-800 and CA-880 both give 9 db. I can vouch for the quality of Canary products overall - I use their 801 preamp and 339 amps. Both are terrific.
The deHavilland UltraVerve at 12db is an excellent one to check out. It did wonders for my system.

The old Audible Illusions L-1 linestage has dual adjustable gain controls (knobs on the front)in addition to the volume control. Nice tube pre that utilizes two 6922 tubes. They go for around $500-600 on A'gon.
