Tube Pre with remote and 2 pairs of outputs

Anyone out there know of a good tube pre with remote and two pairs of outputs for biamping? The one that I have found so far, in my price range, is the Rouge 66. I would like to keep it at $1000 or less. New or used is ok. Thanks in advance for your input.
If you can find one, I know the Anthem Pre2L have two sets of outputs and a remote.. Made by Sonic Frontiers. I was fairly happy with mine, but the remote sucks, and consequently never really got used by me..
Try a AR sp-16 I have one it sounds grate, has the main 1 and main2 out. For the price it is grate.
Pretty much all the ARC preamps from the mid-to-late 90's have 2 sets of outputs and a remote option. The same is true for BAT products. But in the case of the Bat 3 series, there is one XLR output and one RCA. With the 5 series, there are 2 XLR outputs.
The Absolute Sound Golden Ear Award Winner 2004, Aethetix Calypso. Best buy out there, with stock tubes....fantastic...with Tungsram die for performance.