Tube preamp for a Bel Canto eVo2 Gen II

Don’t flame me for the mix & match system, I’m learning and growing as fast as I can. :-) I’m looking for a preamp (probably tube?) to go with a Bel Canto eVo2 Gen II. I’m thinking a “sweeter” tube preamp to balance out the potentially “dry” Bel Canto. Rest of the system is as follows. Musical Fidelity A3.2CD player, Spendor S9's.
Budget dictates $1000 - 1500 used for the preamp. Audio Mirror has some aesthetically pleasing preamps for very decent prices but I haven’t heard any in person. Other suggestions? Am I worrying too much about the eVo’s being “dry”?

Holding my breath until you reply,
Noexit Esq.
There is a CJ PF-R preamp for sale on Audiogon. It is SS but you would never know it by the sweetness and clarity of its sound. I have had one for years and although I moved it from main system to bedroom system, I would never give it up. It would be a nice counterbalance to a "dry" - sounding amp.

Noexit, I am very intereted in the result that you end up with.

I am looking at getting a tube headphone amp with pre-amp function for my eVo2i. I have found two candidates: Mapletree Ear++ and Cayin HA-1A.

Any other suggestions?
I would recommend a Grace Design m902 (or if you can find a model 901 used) headphone amp/pre-amp. While both are SS, they are among the smoothest, fullest, clearest, "musical" sounding pieces of gear that I have heard. Definitely worth looking into.