Tube preamp recommendation ...

Hi guys. I am looking for a tube preamp for my new system. At the moment its looking like either plinius or bedini power amp with Shahinian obelisks. I was thinking of trying a tube amp for a change and something that is a little it exotic and has to look nice as well. The souind should be very transaparent, wide, neutral and highly musical possibly with a touch of warmth.
I've used Plinius SA-102 with Aesthetix Calypso to good effect in the past. The two can be had for approx. $2,500 each.
Loutus like the new direction.

Shindo Monbrison
Aesthetix Saturn Calypso
Manley Neo-Classic 300B Preamplifier RC

Which plinius and bedini power amps?
SB-301 or Classic 10
How about a nice Joule Electra LA-100/150 series preamp??
That should fit the bill.