Tube vs. SS Dilemma

Hi there Audiogon Community
Need some serious help and don’t know who to talk to but you guys. I have been upgrading my system for the past year and a half now, selling and buying stuff. First I went the tube route, bought an Atlas Magnum Amp, Cary SLP 03 Tube Preamp, was dreaming the liquidy tube dream, was amazed at the upgrade from an old and tired hybrid amp I had. Sources: estoteric DV50 for cd and vinyl via a Lenco TT and Ear Phono. Mainly listen to jazz, classic rock and some bits of classical.
But got a hold of a Mark Levinson Preamp, a 380 model and had a spare Krell 250a amp, hook the esoteric cd player to this second setup and was just blown away, I always thought that my heart would always be glowing with tubes or at least a tube/ss setup, but man am I enjoying the SS turn, the bass carácter of the Krell is addictive.
So my question is: What is happening? Am I just shocked “temporarily” by the ML/Krell combo? Should I just wait for a while and do a second and third shootout between setups? Or the fact that the ML/Krell combo is much better – in terms of the models I have vs. the tube models – part of the reasons that explain the differences and should look for better tube amp/preamp before seriously comparing the two?
As soon as I listened to the ML/Krell combo, my first thought was to keep upgrading my system the ss way, instead of the tube route, but before I make drastic changes want to hear from you guys’ experience. I don’t want to make this a tube vs. ss question, therefore I hope the details of the inquiry help steer away broad answers in that regard.
Should add the speakers I’m using with all these setups: GoldenEar triton 2’s. Thanks in advance. I always enjoy reading the forum, but now I had to ask the question before declaring this a case of mild audiophile schizophrenia.
To the OP- if you want some advice regarding tube rolling in your pre amp, I might be of some assistance. I will gladly share what I come to know as a tube roller/collector/hoarder esp. with 6SN7s. One thing I don't have experience with are the newer expensive Chinese Treasures and Psvanes.
I agree with Larryi. I would say it all depends on several factors: your speakers, your room and the type of music you listen to. Others will say cables also play a role.

Given that your speakers have a built in ICE amp to handle bass, I would lean toward solid state or Class-D. The reason being is that you will have a mismatch in speed and dynamics between your bass/mid-bass and mid-range/highs.

Unless I'm mistaken, the crossover point on your speakers is 35hz. That's fairly good in that it shouldn't interfere with the mid-bass.

So, I would suspect, what you are hearing is a better pairing of amp/preamp for your entire speaker. Built in Class-D amps to handle bass can be a good thing....but they can also cause some challenges too (as you are finding out).

FWIW - I would look at the Classe CA-2300 (or CAM600's) and CP800 as a possible pairing. The Classe amps are wickedly fast and may mate very well with your Class-D inside your speakers.
I have been vigilant on the various comments and enjoy reading them all. Several things I should address: Thanks for the tube preamp recommendations, wrote them down for future upgrades, if I found myself missing the tubes. On the other hand, Larryi raises a really good point found in my opening remarks: Maybe the 2 setups are incommensurable in the sense that the SS is more reference than the tube setup, maybe it is unfair for the tube side of the dilemma, and with Larryi’s comment I come back to that same question I had before. The different tube preamp recommendations (and tube rolling) opens a space for some tubes in the setup. And thanks Mapman and Mbovaird on all fronts, you make it necessary for me to do more research on the speakers itself.
And Mechans, thanks, let me do some more listening with the Cary SLP 03 Preamp. and the Krell combo., since many people favor the Tube Pre/SS Amp.
I might have disregarded this option too quickly. After doing some more listening I may have a better idea on what questions to ask.
Let me take a different tack considering the comments on the GoldenEar speaker specs and the need to attend the power amp and speaker combination.
What would be a good speaker to consider if I'm using the Krell 250a and the Mark Levinson 380 preamplifier. Maybe I can consider this different speaker to get the most out of my SS setup.