TUBES 6922 pinched waist

Has anybody heard them? Are they worth the big bucks?
Tvad,I have been to that site and thats what turn me on to the pinched waist tube.He says the pinched waist is Yeow! My reference tube.He goes on to say the shape of the tube helps reduce microphonics,quite the contrary to some of the post.Are the chances of a pinched waist tube being microphonic any greater then a 6922 PQ?
I honestly don't know. But, I do know that any reputable tube seller will
not sell you microphonic tubes, and should exchange them if they are
microphonic. I have never purchased 6922/7308 tubes that have been
microphonic...Amperex, Siemens or Philips.
Do you know of a reputable tube seller that will sell pinched waist tubes to anybody.Some do not sell to you unless you buy their gear.
No. I don't know of a source for pinch waist tubes whether you buy
equipment from them or not.

With my amp (Audion Silver Night MKII), my description of 6922 types would be quite different than that described in Joe's Tube Lore. As Tvad writes, that is one man's comprehensive viewpoint. A valuable one indeed, but not categorically applicable.

Gellis1, you will have to experiment with different tubes in order to find what works best for you. Yes, that gets pretty expensive when it comes to NOS tubes. But there is no end-all/be-all tube, not in terms of something that will behave the same way in every component, let alone to two different sets of ears.

Unlike lucky Tvad, I have purchased a number of microphonic 6922's. Buy ONLY from a reputable seller with a warranty, or this venture can potentially become far more expensive than you had anticipated.

All the best,