TVC Promethius versus Bent

Any impressions on differences from this that have tried TVCs from both these companies? Also, I'm not sure why a transformer would help over of a passive resistor based attenuator (assuming a very high quality pot)assuming drive, low output impedance source, low capacitance cables, high sensitivity amp with high input impedance (100kohm). If more is less, why isn't adding a transformer just more, though minimal, distortion? Sort of two questions, but I have a high quality passive volume control, but have an interest in the TVC idea, especially these two brands or something made by Kevin Carter.
Pubul57, I am also challenged technically, but here is what I know (or, I should say, what I think I know...any of you EE types should feel free to correct me where I go astray): The type of core (EI vs. C in this case) simply describes the shape of the ferrous core in the transformer through which the music signal is effectively transfered from the primary windings (input) to the secondary windings (output) as the result of magnetic inductance. (The signal flowing around the core on the primary windings induces a magnetic flux in the core, which, in turn, induces an electrical signal on the secondary windings.)

With respect to the transformers that Promitheus is using in their TVCs, the EI-core transformer is rather small with comparatively thick core laminations (.35mm). The C-core transformer is much larger and heavier and uses finer laminations in the construction of the core (.05mm). The result is much better sound quality in the bigger and more expensive transformer. The flagship model TVC is the Signature model, which uses a pair of the C-cores in each transformer (one transformer per channel) and also uses more expensive Elma switches as the source selector and volume control. The sound quality of the flagship Signature TVC is significantly better than the EI-core models, which, in and of themselves are very good (and an excellent value).
Since everyones gear and ear is different trying both styles would be best. C-core has always been better to my mind. I want remote and have very well suited gear for a passive setup. I use Placette's w/ 3 inputs and a remote and 125 volume positions. With Vishay S-102 resistors, a logic circuit,relay controlled resistor ladder. No pot. Very nice. I tried a friends Promethius TVC and it was a bit more veiled in the HF and less dynamic.

The S&B transformers used by Bent seem to have a great reputation, is it possible that the Promtheus trasformers are as good, even with C-core?
ET, if you get a chance to try the Promitheus Signature TVC, I think you will find it worth your while. The new TVC has better top end frequency extension, dynamics, bass weight and overall refinement/finesse than the less expensive EI-core units. I would be very interested in how the new Signature TVC compares with a system such as yours, which sounds like a well-optimized Placette RVC implementation.

I think you have a great point...could a TVC REALLY sound better than a passive resistor attenuator set up with ideal source - amp connections? I use EVS attenuators with a Nuforce 9.02 and in conjunction with Harmonic Prosillway Plus short IC's (1.5 meters). It sounds really great. However the only problem... mabe that sometimes I could use a little more volumme. I too would really like to try a Promethius TVC against? the EVS attenuators. HMMmmmmm....maybe I will have to go out and but the TVC's and try them against the EVS attenuators.
If I do that I will let all of you on Audiogon know what the comaparison revealed.

Best wishes
