TW Acustic 10.5 and Graham Phantom Supreme II

I am contemplating (figuring out my funds!) on purchasing a TW Acustic Raven AC. First of all, if anyone is around the Tulsa, OK area and owns a TW Acustic Raven AC, please invite me over to listen!

My question to Raven AC owners who have tried both a Graham Phantom and TW 10.5 tonearm - what are the sonic attributes of each tonearm on the Raven AC? Which did you prefer and why? This isn't a 'which is best' question, but rather which one suited you more with the Raven AC compared to the other.

For background, I listen to about 60% rock/pop and 40% traditonal jazz. Very little classical. I use a Rowland Cadence phono pre.

Thanks in advance for any info and comments.
Over a year ago I was running a Triplanar mounted on a AC 1 with a Transfiguration Orpheus cart. I was contemplating a second arm and the toss up was between a Phantom and a Durand Talea. To cut a long story short I ended up with the Talea and found that it was such a perfect fit in my system and with my musical priorities that I got rid of the Triplanar. Am extremely happy and satisfied with the Talea and would recommend an audition though it's a bit more expensive than the arms you are contemplating.
Pradeep, Talea should be a fine arm given it's price point. Do you have I or II? Have you ever done a direct comparison between yuor Talea and Raven 10.5?
I have the Talea 2. Sorry I have no experience of the TW arm so I can't comment on it.
Pradeep, when you mounted Talea on your Raven AC, did you order a new armboard insert for Talea or simply use the armboard for Tri-Planar? Thanks.
Kdl, the TW arm board for the Triplanar works with the the Talea as 2 of the mounting holes coincide. However, I am using a wooden arm board . Incidentally, the Talea is one of the easier tone arms to mount with the supplied PS distance tool. Mine also came with a Mint Best protractor. The single head shell screw on the Talea, similar to a Clearaudio, makes cart alignment a breeze.