TW-Acustic Arm

TW-Acustic has a beautiful looking arm. Does anyone know what it sounds like?
Dear Curio, of course TW's 10.5 is far superior sonically to all tonearms he compared it to. Seriously, would you - or anybody else - expect otherwise ? Do you expect any manufacturer to launch a new product stating: "yes, I compared it to the best of the current production and it isn't as good, but has its merits..." ...?
Every new product is the very best and ahead of any competition in the laudatio of its father (designer, productioner).
Its about the others to find out the truth and the inevitable test of time to proof the real content of any marketing claim and promotion.
In 10 years the used market price and demand of the TW 10.5 will tell the story.
I make my purchase decision based on how it sounds, not how fancy the materials are or how it looks. I have been criticized for liking 47labs because it is priced too much for the number of parts it uses. But why should I buy something with top transports and extremely expensive parts but sound lousier than the 47labs? My end is to enjoy the music not to impress how good looking my system is.

Why are other paintings more expensive than others? Do you buy a painting because the canvas and paint used are more expensive than the others? You buy a painting because it stirs something in you. Just a thought :D
And in high-end a "painting" is cheered and talked up before anybody of the prospective buyers even saw (here read: heard..) it.
Would you pay a premium price for a so far unseen painting of a painter who has never before actually made a painting just by chance that it "might stir your heart" ?
So far we can judge the TW 10.5 only by the following "facts":
It's origin (first tonearm of a company so far only associated with and manufacturing turntables). It's look (standard). It's price tag (pretty high for a very simple design). It's technical features (none of which is new).
So lets way and hear - everything else is just hollow marketing hype and till now I can't see any USP in the TW 10.5 which by any chance would justify the price tag.
MEIN appologies, um dieses Übersetzer-Programm zu verwenden, aber nahm ich Deutsch in der Universität vor 45 Jahren, und mein Gedächtnis hat mir im Zurückrufen coversation Deutsch gefehlt. Ich stelle diese Frage das Analogvinyl enthusists in Deutschland. Haben Musik vom neuen TW-Acustic Arm gehört? Ich habe an das Kaufen von demjenigen gedacht, aber keiner hat ein in den USA, um mir einen recomendation zu geben