TW-Acustic Raven 10.5 or DaVinci Grandezza??

Seems like a crazy question!
I am getting a Raven one but will have a choice of the Raven 10.5 or DaVinci Grandezza for just $2000 more! Which should I go for? Well I am not sure if Raven one is a good match to this super arm but the 10.5 have got great reviews. Please give soem advice.
This is a great thread as subjective and objective opinions have been freely expressed. Is this what our hobby of HIFI is all about, passion plus practise? It seems the TW10.5 wins over on the practical side. I guess it is like the perfect ‘Swiss Knife of Tonearm’. How about the DaVinci? It claims the omission on those practical adjustments is to be able to enhance the emotion of it presentation. Has it succeeded in its claim? Can the owners tell me if its sound is something special emotional wise? Which one will remain a classic in the future?
Dear Dertonearm, How many people in this world use a nude 1/2" Ortofon SPU or vintage cartridges with TW 10.5/Davinci ?
Dear Thuchan: You can't be serious. Do you want to read those emails? don'y you care about the deep harm that could make to you and your " partner "? why don't you ask him before?

Do you want I being specific?, ask him. IMHO the best you can do is stay away from this subject because you can be splash with.

++++ " like you are deeply hurt by his argumentation. " ++++

which one? on which subject? which kind of argumentation other than his " children's tales " for ignorants?.
Please don't let me laugh again and again but thank's for this: you make my day!

God made it and the " fortune " put together!!!, you are lucky now that belongs to that german group that you rejected in the past. I hope they ( he ) is not only " using you " for now.

Regards and enjoy the music,
I own the 12" DaVinci Ref Grandezza and have not heard the Raven 10.5 but I have also owned a dozen different tonearms and currently have 6 of them mounted on operating turntables.
The DaVinci is a particularly fine performer which has never received a poor review from any owners that I am aware of?
It can beat some of the finest arms ever made on certain cartridges.....for instance, with the ZYX beats the Continuum Copperhead and Fidelity Research FR-66S.
It also can sound rather well with higher compliance MM cartridges which, with many modern arms, is often not the case.
From an aesthetic and quality point of view, I agree with Dertonarm that the DaVinci will become a design 'Classic' if it not already is?
For what it's is also Jon Valin's favourite current pivot arm :^)
Dear Luna, I think the person who could give you sound advice (pun intended) regarding TW 10.5 is Dev. I also own Raven, and considering buying TW 10.5 . But after seeing Dev sold his, owning for so short time, I'm having second thought.

For fast reselling, nothing beat Breuer. The last one on Audiogon, now you see it, now you don't. Gone in 60 seconds.
