Tweaks for AudioEngine2 Desktop System?

Just opened up a new pair of AudioEngine2 powered speakers this afternoon. Very pleasantly surprised by how good they sound straight out of the box w/ my laptop on my desk at work.

Anybody suggestions for simple and relatively inexpensive improvements/tweaks? For example, any folks with these speakers bother to upgrade speaker wire or interconnects?

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I can't tell what kind of feet if any the A2s are equipped with stock. I've put my Visonik desktop speakers on Herbie's Thick Grungebuster pads. That damps and isolates them and the sound gets an inexpensive but worthwhile improvement.

Herbie's Grungebuster page

There's a limit to how much money you want to put into cables for little things like the A2s. For example the best mini-to-mini interconnect I know is the Zu Pivot but one of those might run you half the A2s' cost by itself. If you plan someday to upgrade the A2s, you might be better off saving the money. If not, well, try a Pivot then.

Zu Pivot page
I have the A2's, and the best thing I did, was to replace
the speaker wire with my Supra Cable, and it made
quite a bit difference in sound.