Ugly vs Gogeous speakers

I know speakers should be all about sound but I can't help responding to the look as well and this presents me with a dilemma.

I have owned B&W Nautilus 803's for many years and love the sound and value (excellent sound for reasonable cost). I would love to upgrade but I (and wife) think that the retro Star Wars R2D2 looking speaker (802) is nothing we would have in our living space.

What do others think the best looking / sounding speaker is? Do looks matter to you?

Check out Daedalus speakers - beautiful hand made wood cabinets , musical as well. 
One major reason why the Golden Ear Triton Reference MSRP is seventy percent more than the Triton One is the piano gloss black lacquer finish. Exquisite. 
I have the Sonus Faber Homage Amati Tradition and I think they are great looking and sound awesome.  They replaced my Wilson Audio Duette 2's.  My wife did not like the monitor look so that is why I went with a full size speaker.
So it is true that audiophiles hear with their eyes :-). My main system is in a dedicated room (basement actually), so it only has to look acceptable to me. Good thing too, my wife has stated that it will not go in the living room... ever. Something about it looking industrial & taking up to much space. She has made strange comments about the speakers (Lowther Fideleo's) in the past, such as Wife: "What are those large things holding up the cabinets?" Me: They're spikes. Wife: Do they need the big knobs on them? Me: It makes it easier to adjust them (in my defense, they are heavy). Wife: Why don't you cover up those (she is pointing at the drivers) with cloth or something? Me: Because they are Lowthers & I like looking at the drivers. Wife: Why are they so far from the wall? Me: If they are closer to the wall I lose the stage depth. At this point (or anytime I talk about sound stage anything), she rolls her eyes. To her defense though, she lets me enjoy my hobby in peace & has stated that the turn table can go in the living room, as long as the rest of the system stays in the basement. 
When I was younger I designed and built a pair of speakers that looked like Pamela Sue Anderson. Thought I could mass produce them and they would sell like,,,well sell like Playboy magazine. I had some venture capitalists interested but all they wanted was a proto type to take home.

Those guys are sick. 

not me
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