Newb to the speaker world and so need lots of advice.
Am getting a great deal on a mint pair of Kharma Grand Midi Ceramique 3.2
These are certified by Kharma to be the ONLY ones ever made of Bamboo.
Are they worth $17000?
Which amps would be suitable?

My room size is 14ft x 28ft.
Do not pay extra for the 'unique' cabinet. (If bamboo turns you on like no other stuff, then maybe..)
You can think of them as unique, or as a white elephant, there may be way more reason than one they never made another pair!!
So to a newbie.. Stay away. You have no idea why they never made another pair in bamboo. The cabinets may be not so great? they may not have as much value as you would be 'told' by the parties selling them.
i would just stay away unless they are a 40% discount or such over new (if new). Or less than the used prices are usally.
On the plus side, they probably are well made, as any one off of a well known brand would be. but they are not worth any more than any other cabinet material. And in fact are probably worth less (perhaps the zeal with which they are being offered should be a warning clue? And if they are such a great deal, someone else would have grabbed them way before you ever saw them...)
If you can get a discount and not have your listening room next to the Panda exhibit, you should be okay.