Newb to the speaker world and so need lots of advice.
Am getting a great deal on a mint pair of Kharma Grand Midi Ceramique 3.2
These are certified by Kharma to be the ONLY ones ever made of Bamboo.
Are they worth $17000?
Which amps would be suitable?

My room size is 14ft x 28ft.
You're willing to spend $17K on a set of speakers which are "slightly lacking in the bass"?

I think you need to look around a bit more.
Considering second hand value as anything of relevance, if so, do not fall for this. An expensive option like this won't hold any long second hand value. The market is flooded with new used gear every day. Perhaps you should consider what a normal pair would cost second hand.
Consider getting a Digeridoo to quench your musical bamboo urges, much cheaper.
I agree with Elizabeth in the first post; if you consider the Bamboo finish as a sort of spectacular one, you can pay a little bit extra than usual, if not, you must follow uniquely the sound quality as the only primary goal...

I'm an owner of one pair of Grand Ceramique Midi after many many years of changing items and find them excellent especially for the 3d soundstage.
About bass response they do have a very fine extension in the lower region but they don't have so great "punch" as other speakers with different design and components.
hope that it will be useful