Universal Players vs. Dedicated CD/SACD Players

Greetings all. I'm curious what other's experiences are listening to Universal Players vs. "dedicated" cd/sacd players. I have an Oppo BDP95 based on the reviews and convenience of the "one-box" solution. However, I've been wondering if I'm missing some audio performance this way. I'm more into sound than video BTW. I have an audiophile friend who says he doesn't like audio and video in the same box. I've entertained thoughts of purchasing a dedicated audio cd/sacd player. Your input is appreciated.


I also have a Pioneer Elite BDP 09 that I use for video. The audio through the "Pure Audio" mode is great, however, initially it wouldn't play Blu-Ray until it had a firmware update. Who invents this stuff? It's like buying a car that won't run unless you take it to the dealer for the 30-60-90,000 mile tune ups. It reminds me of the "universal" players that will only play SACD, but not DVD-Audio (or the reverse). My Oppo 105D doesn't have that problem, as it plays everything!

Have you owned the Elite BDP-09 since new? What year did you buy it?
Got my Cipher....unfreakin believable!!  Whole other realm of musical enjoyment.  So lifelike it's spooky!  Purchased it from Steve at Highperformancestereo for $7999.  Brand new and full 5 year warranty.  Steve has been a certified Krell dealer for 20+years.