Upgrade my power conditioner?

Hi Audiogon Nation,

I'm presently running with a Shunyata Hydra Talos in my system with a Shunyata Zitron Alpha HC power cable connecting it to a Shunyata ZR1 outlet.  

I've heard that the Shunyata Denali 6000S is a great piece and would be an upgrade to the Talos.  Not sure I am looking to fix anything.  This is more of a curiosity.  

While considering the Denali, I'm also looking at a PS Audio DirectStream P12.  The P12 is a different animal.  I can get one for less ($$$) than the Denali by about $500.

Any body try out one or both of these?  

Thoughts on sound?  

Thanks and kind regards,
Jasonsim, at that point in time I'd request to talk to Paul himself or have him phone you back.
Thanks Iak.  I called PS Audio today and got my questions answered.  They said leaving the P12 unit on all the time in idle, would draw something like 30W.  If you put it into standby, it's more like <1W. 

They also said that the fans are whisper quiet and should only run in less than 10% of usage applications.  

The P12 unit can also provide the necessary current during dynamic transients.  And cleans up noise.  

I was also told that the THD was do low that you cannot hear the hiss when turning your preamp / amp to high volume listening levels.

I’m eagerly awaiting a new PS Audio P12. Got a great deal and so have little to loose in trying it out.

I read someone say ( another thread ) that the P12 cannot handle a big amp. Not sure what a big amp is to them, but I am hoping my integrated will not be a ploblem. It is a Luxman 590axii with 30Wpc into 8 ohms. Full class A power; 60wpc into 4 ohms. I also have a pair of Martin Logan Montis speakers that will need to be powered by the normal outlets on the P12. Then 3 source components: a VPI Classic 4, Esoteric K-05 CD player, and a PS Audio DirectStream Junior DAC. 

I don’t think this will overload the P12. 

I’ll report back once I have had a few listens with the P12 in my system. 
I have a P10 and a Denali 6000S.  They are different.  I had the P10 first.  My W4S class D amp did not like it.  I have my analog (and amp) on the Denali and digital on the P10.  The P10 is an improvement. I set the Multiwave and Phase by ear.  I have it at MW 1 the lowest, the phase at -3 and like Low Distortion over High Regulation which surprised me, I thought digital equipt likes a regulated PS.  Each of the 3 settings makes a difference. 
But, if I was going to choose one unit I would go with the Denali.  It is more of a wow factor and will run the amp without detriment.  I have the P10 running off the Denali, it sounds better.  And its a million pounds lighter.

Thanks for the feedback. I have had the PS Audio P12 in my system now for over a week.  Everything is plugged into it. My integrated amp sounds great. No loss of dynamics from what I can tell. I feel it to be an upgrade over my older Hydra Talos. The best way I can describe it is that the sound is the same now no matter the time. No more waiting until evening time or late night to get the best sound. 

I am only using about 350w when all my stuff is running. 35w when everything is in standby. 

Maybe one day I will have the opportunity to try out a Denali. My local shop carries the line, but they have no demo units.