Upgraded PC for Velodyne DD12

Are there significant gains that can be made by upgrading the stock cord for this unit (or for that matter any sub)? It would seem to me that there are but I haven't been able to find any threads on the subject. Any PC recommendations would also be appreciated. Under $200 please! The DD12 takes a 2 pin (no ground) IEC.

Thanks, Mark
Thanks for your insight. I'm already using some vhaudio power cords on my integrated, DVD, and DAC. So the flavor 4 would be a logical choice.
i made my flavor 4 cord ,alot cheaper and not that bad,once you drill the holes out in the low cost plugs
Thanks again Bbaxley. I probobly will go with the Flavor 4. I'm not really a do-it-yourselfer but I appreciate the suggestion.

Regards, Mark
i think you will be alright then with the normal plugs for this..i have the watgate golds on some and the reg watgate,and i cant tell to big of a diff in the sub,maybe in amps or other parts of system ,but not sub ,,should save you money..chris is a great guy to,welcome to the burn in world ..takes about 4oo hours to do it