Upgrades for VPI HW -19 jr.???

I very recently purchased a VPI HW-jr here on Audiogon. All original with the PT-6 tonearm, no cartridge. I was wondering what upgrades are recommended and in what order. Price is a factor so I can only approach one upgrade at a time. What will offer the most significant improvements in sound and what cartridge goes well with this deck? I was thinking, new feet and tonearm cable first, any thoughts on this? I do not want to rebuild the table just improve on it. Thanks.
Hi Dreadhead, Welcome to the Jr family!As you may remember, I own a Jr since new ('96) and have the AQ PT-6, upgraded to AQ Emerald Silver Tonearm Cable, Benz Glider Hi-Output Cart, running into a McCormack Micro Phono Drive MC Pre-Amp, then off into my McIntosh Pre.I would say the most significant area to concentrate on would be the Cartridge, and Phono Pre-Amp. when I bought the Glider, there wasn't what seemed to be much available in this level of performance, and price. As you know, there's literal dozens to choose from now.Certainly, the AQ PT-6 is not going to be as good an arm as a Graham, JMW, SME, but since you're already drilled for the PT-6, perhaps best to stick with it, and leave this area alone. I think if one put a $2K Cartridge on a PT-6 versus a Graham, of course the Graham will make the cartridge sound better, but the PT-6 will get you most the way there.A older Mk-IV Platter, such as I have upgraded to with standard bearing, and bought here on AudioGon for $450 will make a substantial improvement in performance, and it's an easy 10 minute swap, with no modifications needing to be made.Better Clamps help a small amount, but certainly not like a heavier platter would. I did go with AudioPoints too from MusicDirect, and these added a nice touch, and an improvement. And a homemade Sand Base would also help I'm sure isolate the table better. The Better Clamp may offer better performance on the lighter 6lb Jr Platter versus a heavier Mk-III-MK-IV Platter. Just be careful not to clamp the living daylights out of the Jr Platter. It has a pressed in Spindle-Bearing.I have a heavy thick BDR Test Puck lying around here if interested.Going through upgrades like new tonearm wiring may be a very slight improvement, and might be more of a waste. I myself would rather put that money towards a better cartridge. Of course, proper Cartridge set-up of VTA, VTF, and a good Pre-Amp, and proper loading of the MC Stage will go far for extracting the best any given combination will offer.A PLC, or SDS would too no doubt offer some improvement, but the SDS's cost no doubt surpasses the cost of the Turntable itself. If the speed appears right on with the Jr, one could probably get just as much an improvement in sound by plugging the table into a decent power conditioner. Naturally, the lower the hum-background noise, the better the noisefloor, and the better the overall sound. Mark
About the differences of a Toneram Cable Upgrade, for my own personal set-up, I did notice a slight improvement in high frequency response, and high frequency clarity-definition with the Glider HO Cartridge when I switched from the factory stock AQ Cable that came with the Tonearm to the better, more expensive AQ Emerald Cable.

There are sure lots of fine tonearm cables, and this would be an area also where one will extract some improvement. Mark
The biggest improvement IMO would be better isolation (unless you already have a very good rack). In all regards they are pretty good TT's and a great bargain used - but stock, they are just wholly inadequate as far as low frequency feedback isolation. Even placing a piece of foam rubber under each foot would help matters substantially.
Agreed Opalchip, the Jr is susceptible to low frequency feedback. With a Sunfire Mk-IV True Sub in my own system, it wouldn't take much volume to get feedback.
I'm sure even at lower volumes, without adequate isolation, it would cause smearing, and make the cartridge's job a properly tracking a hard one.

My isolation problems were helped to a great degree with the AudioPoints, MK-IV Platter, and some tweaks to my rack, but I still have intentions at some near point in the future to make some sort of additional isolation base, along the lines of a Brightstar sand filled base.
Keep in mind that headphone listening (i.e. with dynamic Sennheiser HD600/HD650 or Stax electrostats) will help you enjoy the maximum detail retrieval and transparency that your jr. is capable of, since isolation isn't much of an issue when no bass is booming from a loudspeaker. To me, there's no greater audiophile value than listening to the jr through one of those headphone/earspeaker types plugged into a good used headphone amp/driver. Then you can at least see what the TT/arm/cart combo is capable of while you research better solutions for isolation.
Like Markd51, I bought a Hw-19jr/Audioquest PT-6/Glider combo new (c. 1998) and since it went several years without being used, and was used carefully when in use, I'm tempted to keep it and upgrade rather than ditch it.
Last night (on the eve of shipping my Lehman Blackcube phono preamp which I just sold on Agon) I listened to various recordings at my gf's place (where the analog rig has been in storage for the past 3 years) and I was blown away at how playback in many respects surpassed even the SACDs I've been used to lately. (recordings were, for those interested, Analogue Productions 180gm reissues of Charlie Byrd, Riverside Tenor Sessions of Monk, Police, some Beatles 1st pressing originals and MFSL, and even an original decca pressin of Isserstedt conducting Beethoven's Ninth).

One upgrade that made a noticeable difference in my rig was the Cardas Hexlink 5C phono cable (bought for $150 on clearance from Needledoctor years ago, and auctioned here rectently for $125). I sold it as the first step in scrapping my rig piece by piece in order to get the most $$$ in preparation for upgrading my digital rig. But you know what? Even with the replacement phono cable gone and the stock one in its place, this humble jr. rig really rocked! And this was without any measures taken to ensure horizontal levelling (no spirit level available at time), isolation, etc. My gf and I both were really floored at how transparent sounding some of my lps were, even those that had never been cleaned! I'm so thrilled (and confused, given the sacd direction I was headed in just a few days prior) at jr. performance that I'm utterly compelled at this point to return to the analog side of the force! having just sold my Linn Ikemi redbook player (again, in prep. for a digital upgrade or mod of my sony 9000es sacd/dvd player), I now have a few grand to spend and may start a new thread today asking for some upgrade options (in particular, whether to keep the glider cartridge and upgrade the tt and arm, or just upgrade the jr. platter and cartridge.). Listen to markd51!