USB Soundcards - faint popping/clicks

I am currently using a G4 iBook 933 MHz and have my new Waveterminal U24 connected to a DAC and Headphone Amplifier. The sound is really fantastic. I do notice every minute or so, I get a very faint pop or click sound. Sometimes I go longer without hearing it, but it occurs often enough that I notice it. I have tried to research this and there seems to be an opinion that this is just a USB audio problem and nothing can be done. I have experimented with settings. I have more than enough RAM than I know what to do with. I am using iTunes and so there really aren't any settings to adjust there except turning off all of the enhancements.

Anyway, anybody have any suggestions for USB audio pops?
I have a similar setup with Powerbook G4 feeding a Waveterminal U24 feeding my dac. I've had no clicks or problems. Likely a settings issue.


What settings do you use in the control panel?

Also how much RAM do you have?

I have determined this is not an iTunes issue. No pops coming from the headphone jack, nor when I use my Transit (it has a driver). Could the Waveterminal be drawing more power or making more demands from the system than the Transit?

I might try and do the following. Any Mac users think this would be of benefit?

Clicking is frequently a sign of some sort of clock issue. Make sure you have the most up to date drivers for the Waveterminal.
Thanks onhwy61. Unfortunately, there aren't any drivers for Mac OS X, they say just plug and play.

The only other thing I could recommend is making sure you have all the upgrades for whatever version of OS X you're using. This doesn't mean you have to upgrade to the latest version, but that for whatever version you are using that it has all the software upgrades.