Using 2 amps as monoblocks

I have been using an acurus A100x3 amp for the past 4 years and overall have been very happy with the performance. Unlike many other posts, I have not found the amp too bright. However, I am interested in improving bass extension and depth of soundstage. Would using two acurus A100x3 amps as monoblocks be helpful? I use my system for 2 channel music 80% of the time.

My system for stereo: Marantz SA-8260 CD/SACD
Denon 4802 AVR (used as preamp for stereo)
Sonic Frontiers SFT-1 transport
Monitor Audio Gold 20s main speakers
Acurus A100x3
Harmonic Technology speaker cables

Thanks, Rob
yes it would ..but a stereo amp in mono has what they call cross talk between channels.acurus does make some monos,that are pretty good.get some with power ,you want look back..and work on the preamp.i have audio research ls3b b for balancedoutputs..and its great in bass ..
Thanks guys. I appreciate you taking the time to advise me. Aedv8sc, thanks for educating me on vertical bi-amping. Will experiment. Bbaxley2, I have auditioned several preamps in my system and have not observed improvement in sonics yet...but will continue exploring! Do believe there is a definite psychological drive in Hi-Fi audio pursuits.....need to trust your ears and your ears ONLY!
not fun trusting ears,.i trust my wallet if i think its better i buy,. i to used adcom pre pro for just 2 channel,and went with ar 3b and, would never use pre pro again for 2 channel .i beleive components should do one thing and one thing right ,not two or three.. ive never seen a krell preamp have a tuner..if you know what i mean...just my thoughts..vertical byamping is nice if you get it right..again get a preamp with 2 pair of amp outputs and stay far away from y adapters onless you have to
Not fun trusting ears??!! I don't get it....what else matters? Your wallet is not an indicator of sonic quality. What you hear is all that matters.
yea but even when it sounds great,still fun trying other pieces ,that are better than what you got.thats why audiogon is growing cause we cant sit still ,we have to keeptrying bigger and better.,am i correct,i have a cd boom box in back room ,my ears tell me it sounds great,the zip cord speaker wire lets me know its system is on here.and its under ever evoving,see what i mean,and every body on here is the many adds say...just had it for 1 month ,going to get next model up...alot,not trying to fight ,just telling truth