VAC 30/70...pick your pre?

Considering a pair of VAC 30/70’s however concerned a bit about matching the Pre well; on the other hand, can’t spend another 5-6k on a line stage right now. Thoughts? Recs? Get a better integrated instead for now?  Ideas about Line Magnetic 219 vs. Allnic T2000; pushing Wharfedale Jade 5's (87db 6ohm)

Last post by jmcgrogan2 sums up my thoughts as well. Spread the wealth
throughout the system. Unless you have another substantial amount of cash soon coming down the pike, don't sink as much in to your amp purchase.
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As this discussion demonstrates! There are numerous approaches to improving one's audio system,. Spread  the wealth certainty has merit.  I probably feel more strongly about the impact of amplification than some others here.  If you obtain a very high quality intergrated amplifier you've effectively covered the vital electronics chain  (preamp and the power amp). That's a crucial step. 

I believe that the LM intergrated SETs admirably fill that role. At this point you have a quality source foundation  (TNT turn table) and high level electronics.  Now you have something to work with and steadily build upon over time. I'd at least take a look at the Tekton Double Impact speakers as a potential future replacement. 
As this discussion demonstrates! There are numerous approaches to improving one's audio system,. Spread  the wealth certainty has merit.  I probably feel more strongly about the impact of amplification than some others here.

Charles, your take is par for the course for SET amp advocates.
There are many different ways to audio nirvana.

The most common mantra is the 'speakers first' crowd. While others will insist that the source is the key to audio heaven. Others, like yourself, mostly SET fans, insist that the amp is the key to the system. There are even a few outliers who will beat the drums that wire is the key to true happiness. Then there is my group preaching system balance.

Digital? Analog? Computer Audio? SET? Class D? Class A? Passive or active preamp? Tube or solid state? Cables matter, or not?  Tweaks??? Fuses???
So many choices. In the end, everyone must make their own personal choices as to what works best for them.

John, To be clear I don't believe that an amplifier is " the key" for an audio system's  success. Actually all aspects are of importance due to the fact that the "weakest link" of a system is the limiting factor. Balance of a system is no less a factor from my perspective. As we both have acknowledged there are  various ways to achieve the final goal or objective. Regarding SET amps yes I do believe they are wonderful but not in an isolated sense but rather as part of a total picture concept.
