VAC Signature MKIIa pre-amp

I wanted to share that I received my VAC pre. a few days ago, the fit and finish is top notch (I got mine in silver/chrome combo including a nice simple metal remote, not plastic like allot of others.

I have owned along with being very fortunate to have had many world class pre's in my set-ups over the years, ARC, MBL, VTL, JRD, DARTZEEL, BAT, to name a few and presently own a ARC REF3 and the VAC.

I will say in my own experience and placing this specific VAC pre-amp straight out of the box into my system had me saying "this is really nice, I am hearing huge positive sonics going on never mind the stage presence right across the entire spectrum and know from past experience that it will only continue during break-in process, this is a welcomed surprise and very nice!" This has never happened before, my last pre that I had for audition was the new ARC REF5 and in my set-up it did not offer such, it was well broken-in.

The VAC has now been in my set-up for a few days and on 24/7, all I can say is this sure is a whole new world and the differences are all very positive across the board, my MBL's are very happy!

I'll comment more when I have put some hours in.

Current set-up;

MBL 101E speakers
VAC pre as above mentioned with phono
Bryston 28 Squared mono blocks
Torus RM20, one for each mono block
MBL 1621a transport
Graham Phantom MKII arm
Dynavector XV-1s cart

Cables; Stealth through out, I have tried allot of others and I'm very happy with this product line, I find myself no longer looking I'm off the mari-go-round

-Two runs of Dream cables to the speakers for true bi-wire
-Indra's with latest connectors, XLR's through out
-Dream power cables through out
-Hyperphono for arm connection
-Sextet AES with latest XLR connectors

I have only been using my REDBOOK CD so far, I also have a Audia Flight One phono that I'll be able to compare to the one built-in the VAC pre. and have a couple others to compare but this will be farther in the fall time and I'm looking forward to it.

Dev - Glad you like the VAC Sig IIa - I had a pretty good hunch you would, but you had to hear it in your system.

I'm not sure what kind of SPLs you play your music at, but a number of us are using a pair of VAC 300.1s in mono configuration with great results. They play much "larger" than their 300w power numbers would otherwise indicate. That would be an option you could try much more easily (logistically and financially) and then maybe talk to Kevin Hayes from there if you are still interested in the 440s. Just a suggestion.......

Just a reccomendation on a wonderful combo to consider:

VAC Ren IIa Sig Pre driving Clayton M-300 monoblock SS amps. Great synergy and musicality.
Driving Revel Ultima Salon II's

I might suggest to try a set of Stillpoints under the VAC. I find it offers a significant improvement no matter which amp or set of speakers I am using at the time. They add life, dimension, vibrancy, and bass definition.

The interface is a 1.5 inch thick mdf shelf and the VAC rests on the pointed (ball end) of the cone.
I started with Stillpoints, then went to Finite Elemente Cerapucs and am now using Synergistic MiGs. Incremental improvements with each change.
I find my VAC Signature MKIIa pre-amp sounds great with every amp I tried, both SS and tube. Every time it's removed from the loop, the degradation is amazingly obvious. It's the foundation to my system.

This is the 1st tube component that I have no desire to tweak. I have Amperex Holland e88cc SQ tubes, HiFi Tuning gold fuse ...