Van L Speakerworks Quartet

I would appreciate any experience with Van L Speakerworks Quartet, including comparison with others:
You will not be disappointed,,, Van is an excellent guy to deal with, totally backs up his products,,, iamaging is un-believable. Once of the cleanest Tweeters that I ever heard. Best money for the buck.
Van is just now introducing a new speaker. I've heard a nearly finished prototype some weeks ago. It was quite nice. By all means, check out his shop and have a listen.
Van is a very nice person with tremendous knowledge. I just purchased a new pair of quartets which look beautiful and sound amazing. You will be hard pressed to find a speaker of this qualiy for this price. The imaging is amazing!!

I haven't been to his shop for a few years now, but I can tell you that John has been working hard on these for a long,long...long time. Based on the various incarnations of the Quartet that I have heard, I'm eager to stop in for a listen.
i've idled away several afternoons at his shop and have always been impressed with the quartet; i still own and use a smaller van l monitor from the mid 90s. i haven't heard a simultaneous a/b of the quartets with others, but i've heard enough of 'em to opine that they're on a par with the psb synchrony and paradigm signature s2 (two of my faves)--all share the same qualities of seamless driver integration and big soundstage. keep in mind that the quartets aren't really full-range--they propably extend down to 50hz or so--and depending on your tastes might use a sub.