Vandersteen 3a and Spendor sp1/2e's

Hi, I currently have the spendor and have come across a pair of the Vandersteens locally, they are mint and I think a good deal at 1200.00
I don't really want to put the guy through the hassles of packing them up and trying them in my room, but I just may. I am hoping that some of you have tried these great speakers and can magically tell me which one I would like best. As that may be hard, I would settle for which ones you liked best. I have a sub with the Spendors and don't feel I am missing any bass, but sometimes I think they could be a bit more detailed?
Any impressions or comparisons would be greatly appreciated.

I am in a unique position in that I changed from Spendor SP-1/2E's to Vandy 3A Sigs a couple of years ago. It was a very positive change. The Spendor's have wonderful midrange and highs (as do the Vandy's) but I was not happy with the low end. I listen to lots of large orchestral music and the Spendor's just were to reticent in the bottom octave. I never could get a subwoofer to integrate properly so I made the move to the 3A Sigs and don't regret it for one second. The 3A's have the low end that the Spendor's lack coupled with an excllent, natural sounding mids and highs. The flexibility of having adjustment pots for the mids and highs on the Vandy's allows one to really dial in the right sound for one's room. Contrary to Jaybo's opinion, I do not miss the Spendors.

BTW, The Sigs have Richard Vandersteen's signature on the back plate.
After posting, I looked up your system and noted you have a Jolida integrated amp. Just to let you know, the Vandy's do like plenty of power (either tubes or SS). If your room is small, the Jolida MAY be just enough (depending on your listening habits and music choice) but I think more juice would be even better.
Mike your room might be to small for the 3A Sigs they like large spaces!!!!!