Vandersteen 3A Sig listening window

The owners manual states that the "6 inch high optimum listening window is centered at 35 inches when the speaker is vertical". Now is that 35 inches off the ground or 35 inches off the bottom front of the speaker cabinet? The reason I ask is because the tip toes add an additional 1.5 inches to the height of the speakers when installed. What I'm looking at can I measure 13 inches off the top of the cabinet and use a laser pointer to mark the exact point of my listening postion?
You should love those speakers, try adding a sub in time and you will be a super happy camper.
I added a pair of Vandersteen 2WQ subs to mine and was ASTONISHED at the difference it made. Not because of the deep bass it added, but because the 3A Sigs themselves sounded SO MUCH BETTER since they (and my Quicksilver V4 tube monoblocks) no longer had to worry about making deep bass. Borrow one or two 2WQ from your dealer and give it a try. You'll be amazed and he'll make a sale.

PS Even my tone deaf wife heard a big improvement over the already excellent 3A Signatures.
I would say 2 subs is best but go one at a time if money is an issue, I know 1 is not ideal.