Vandersteen 5?

Hi All,

A relatively local shop has a used pair of Vandersteen 5s for sale. I was originally in the market for Nautilus 803s but these Vandersteens are just barely in the price range. I am guessing that they are older (I have no idea how old yet). The upgrade to Vandersteen 5a is way out of my price range. Would the original 5s be a nice speaker? Will I need to put much money into mantaining them (e.g., replace the subwoofer powersupply or replace the crossover's batteries)?

I have a Krell 400xi, VPI Scout, ZYX Yatra, Innersound Phono, a 14 x 16 dedicated music room where I usually play classic rock. My favorite stuff was a Class A Krell / Nautilus 802 setup that a friend owned (out of my price range). I am upgrading from Matrix 802s.


I have never heard the Krell and the only time I heard the 5s was at a show and I was underwhelmed. However, Pani makes a very good point. High resolution transducers tend to be very revealing (by definition) of upstream deficiencies. Can you bring the Krell w you for an audition.
Doen't disgard the Krell yet. It has received some excellent reviews and is not suddenly going to sound deficient with the 5s. (I have tried some high-end but not megabucks amps with this speaker. You probably won't have any issues.) In any event, the gentlemen above are correct about trying both the amp and speakers together. But it may be a pain because you need to open up the high pass filters and set them to match the input impedence of the amp. Hopefully your local shop has already set up the subwoofers for the room and is patient.
So where are these Vandys you say? And definitely don't buy them! Just give me the address and I'll handle everything.... :-)

But seriously, these are amazing speakers. I used to have a 7-channel Vandersteen system and can attest to how wonderful a designer Richard Vandersteen is; as a person, OTOH, he's a complete dick, which is why I am a FORMER owner (sold all seven). My main concern would be that if you do run into trouble and have to deal with him you can expect him to get pissy if he feels you are abusing 'his' speakers; shenanigans like that. However, despite my personal dislike for the man, his equipment is top notch and I've even considered buying another used pair. I think that's a testament to how good the equipment is, so I don't think you'll go wrong with the 5's. must have pissed him off somehow. I have found him very pleasant and helpful.
Ljs_fin, as far as Krell and the reviews are concerned, a review is worth something only till you have not auditioned an equipment. Once you have had extensively listened to an equipment, no reviews hold nothing.

I have heard the 400xi in at least 5 different setups extensively and thats how I am able to say something about them. BTW, none of those 5 setups have the 400xi today.