Vandersteen Model 7: has anyone heard?

I won't have $45K to spend on a loudspeaker in this lifetime or any other I imagine but the little snippet in TAS peaked my curiousity. Has anyone heard this speaker and would be willing to offer their impressions?
In my statement, I was actually referring more to a dynamic aspect of live music, than to a tonal character.
I do agree on many bright sounding systems, which are not at all to my taste.
On the other hand, speaker can be totally tonally correct and lacking dynamics at the same time, and to me it's a discfalifying characteristic. Live music is extremely dynamic, and lack of thereof doesn't sound live, or "natural" to me.
I agree with you on two Daedalus rooms, just outstanding, one of my favorites at the show.
Maril555, I will concede that my Audio Note speakers do not have the same dynamics as other speakers I have owned. However, they do so many other things right in my view, that I am willing to sacrifice some dynamics. Plus, they "fit" my room, if that makes any sense. The other speakers I owned that were more dynamic overpowered the room.
One thing to keep in mind is in show conditions, the speakers were not listened to with the same tracks and on the same day. I listened to the Vandersteens on Saturday. I listened for about a half hour. I did not find them overly bright. I think the statement that 95% of the rooms were overly tipped up is a little high, but for the most part you are correct. I would put the estimate at about 75%. I liked many of the same speakers that you did, in particular the JM Reynaud and the Daedalus. The Tidals were a mixed bag. Most of there presentation was excellent. However, I got to listen to a track from one of my discs that I am very familiar with. The song is "Tradition" from Stanley Clarke's "If this bass could only talk". I have heard this song well over one hundred times on more than a dozen good systems. Stanley has his bass tuned up one octave, so there is a lot going on in the lower midrange. There must have been some kind of suckout in that range as the sound of the bass was very soft and the speakers placed him BEHIND the drums on the stage. The bass is THE featured instrument of the song. After the song finished, I was asked what I thought. I told them what I heard and told them I had never heard him placed there before. They apparently heard it too, because they did not dispute it, but instead blamed the engineering of the disc for this as the speakers could not be to blame. I told them how familiar I was with the song and was told in no uncertain terms that their speaker was right and every other system I had heard it on was wrong. I listened to this song on a couple of other systems that weekend, and apparently, they were wrong also. The whole thing was very off-putting and kept from returning to the room the rest of the weekend.
...they did not dispute it, but instead blamed the engineering of the disc for this as the speakers could not be to blame.
Csmgolf (System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)
Reminds me of a conversation I had with a Mercedes mechanic in the early 1990s when I made the observation that Mercedes autos did not have adjustable steering wheels, whereas most American and Japanese cars did.

He said the Germans put the steering wheel where they think it should be and Mercedes drivers need to adjust to the wheel's position.


Of course, things have changed since then. Heck, now Mercedes even has cup holders.