Vandersteen owners--How many use Bryston amps

What do you use for pre amps.I have 2ce's and Bryston 3BST W/AVAomega star SL pre amp. The sound is quite nice,although a bit grainy and fatiguiging on some CD's. I suspect a mismatch between my amp and pre amp. Have considered a Bryston BP20 pre amp or a B60 and 2BLP bi amped for a better match. Would appreciate any suggestions. I listen to classical and jazz in a room approx 18x20
I'm using a Bryston SP-1 pre/pro with my Bryston 4B-ST and 5B-ST amps and Vandersteen 3A Sig speakers. I listen primarily to classical and jazz, with some folk and bluegrass thrown in, and I think the equipment combination is excellent. The Bryston SP-1 and SP-1.7 pre/pros both use the circuitry from the BP-25, with the processor circuits needed for multi-channel HT sound.

In tweaking my system, I did find that the choice of interconnects is important. The Bryston gear is quite revealing of other components, which became even more noticeable when I added a pair of Vandy 2Wq subs. I eventually replaced the HomeGrownAudio Silver Lace interconnects I had been using with Alpha-Core Goertz TQ2 and was very pleased with the improvement in sound quality.

As a point of interest, one of the reviewers for TAS, Robert E. Greene, uses a Bryston BP-25 as his reference preamp. The BP-25 is also nominated for a Class 4 "Golden Ear" award in the December 2002 issue of TAS.
Consider upgrading the pre-amp to the fet-valve from van-alstine. Also check out the the isolation of the various front end components of your system-they can be causing problems that are heard. Look at the Mapleshade isolation system as a start-I recommend a pair of isoblocks under your cd player as a start. At 24 dollars its not a bad investment.
With upgraded PC's and good IC's, your system should sound very good!
What are you using for power cords and interconnects?

peter jasz