Velodyne DD18 Owners - Tips and Guidance?

I recently acquired a Velodyne DD18 in perfect condition and I wanted to see if I could get input from fellow owners on how to get the most out of the subwoofer.

Should I take advantage of the low-pass filter? I'm currently doing that, sending just 80hz+ to my speakers (Audio Physic Avanti III) and letting the subwoofer handle the rest. However, I'm wondering if I'm losing any detail or quality by adding that step. Do others use this approach?

Placement: I find I have to place the sub far awayfrom my turntable because at high volumes I seem to get a lound shuddering effect, likely because the sound pressure or vibrations are somehow jiving with some natural frequency in the tt setup. Playing digital there is no problem.

I have the sub setup behind my speakes, about 6 inches from the front wall placed on a Sistrum 101 stand.

I have the volume at about 12 as I don't want it making its presence too obvious. I find the software/alignment quite quirky and not so user friendly. I can't seem to get any sound test frequency to measure the room response, so I just do the standard 1-2-3 alignment holding the mic roughly where my head is in the listening chair.

Anyways, I know the above doesn't include many specific questions but overall am just looking for some best-practices tips on getting the most from this subwoofer. I listen to a broad selection of music and this system is also for movies.
Hi Guys:
Thanks for the extra input. Yes, I have video connected to the sub (strangely enough, via a bit CRT front projector) so I can see the visual cues for calibration.

However, I do not seem to get any sine wave sound. I can play music, and i can see the wave drift from left to right and it's clear that the microphone is picking up the music and reflecting the frequencies etc., but I can't seem to get any calibration sine wave sound.

If I press the standard 1-2-3 for general room calibration, I get about 20 or so pulses which shake the room, and that lasts about 1 minute, so I that seems to be working fine.

Just to clarify then, the recommendation seems to be to run my speakers full range, and connect the sub to my pream seperately, but focus the sub on lower frequencies only. I should start the sub where approximately my mains cutoff?

thanks again for the tips. I wish this calibration stuff was easier
Just to clarify then, the recommendation seems to be to run my speakers full range, and connect the sub to my pream seperately, but focus the sub on lower frequencies only. I should start the sub where approximately my mains cutoff?
That's what I do in my system. I have a DD-15. There is no sine wave only the pulses.
Do you have the manual? If not go to Velodyne's site and download one.
I use a pair of HGS-15s with an SMS-1 (precursor to DD15) balanced (XLR) lines from the pre/pro to the SMS-1 and then to the subs. The subs are located behind the main LR speakers, crossover is set at the pre/pro to 60 Hz (the crossover at the subs is set to off), and the level of the subs is set using white noise generated by the pre/pro to match the level of the other 7 speakers. Even experienced listeners are unaware of the subs, except, of course, when they do something you know the mains couldn't be doing like shaking the room when there is an explosion in a movie or providing that more felt than heard subtle vibration when a low pedal note is invoked on a pipe organ. Setting the subs to too high a level is major inhibitor to good integration; you really don't want to be aware of the sub as a sound source.
