Verity Audio Lohengrin: WOW Can't beleive this...

Hi everyone,
I have to vent out (can't keep this to myself)....

I just came back from Filtronique (one of the best audio store in Montreal). They had a pair of Verity Audio Lohengrin hooked up.

The Lohengrin are 95db sensitive and have an nominal impedance of 8 ohms... They weigh a hefty 520lbs and stand 5 feet tall... The frequency range of these beast is 15Hz to 50kHz ± 3.0dB (scary numbers).

I had a chance to listen to some CDs along with some LPs (for a bout 2 hours). All I have to say is that the speakers are the BEST speakers I had a chance to audition. I auditioned some Martin Logan Statement E4, Sonus Faber Amatti Hommage, Mark Levinson X1, Jm Lab Grande Utopia, Sound Lab Ultimate One... In my opinion, none of the above come even close to the Lohengrin (actually, the E4 mentionned above are not even in the same league as the Verity).

The Verity Lohengrin have the coherence of Monitor (I actually never heard speakers with such a good coherence)and the body of a full range speaker. It's the first time speakers completely disappear to leave room to the music... I'm not a audio critique so I won't go into details.

The associated gear was:

Nagra VPA monoblocks for the monitor
Nagra MPA Amp for the woofer section
YBA Passion Preamp
Wadia 861x CDP
Clear Audio Master Reference turntable (don't remember which tonearm and cartridge)
Siltech G5 ICs
YBA Diamond speaker cables
Symposium Quantum shelves on Symposium rack

For many people, this message will seem to be a flame or a message with little content. It's all right, I just have to vent out and share my experience (I'm still not sure I'll be able to sleep tonight!).

For anyone that can afford the $80,000 they command, I beg you. Please try auditioning these Masterpieces. Your ears will be thankfull.

Just my humble opinion.

One last note: after trying these speakers, the Parsifal encore (Verity's second best speakers) sound like a pair of mini monitors beside the Lohengrin.
I believe this exact setup was at the Montreal FSI this past April
The sound was excellent and by far my favourite room
I agree it's the best sound i've heard thus far
I would love to have a pair myself.
However, I don't understand why a pair of speakers need to be $ 80 k.
If the components and cabinets cost say $ 5 to $ 7k.
My sense is the manufacturer would make more profit if they sold for $ 20 k. Maybe need to sell direct.
Summary, I believe an $ 20 k exceptional model can outsell an $ 80 k model 10 or 20 to 1 and be a much better profit maker. It also get the product out there for more to listen to and to buy. Thoughts.
I think only the drivers of the Lohengrin cost around 10K. But I suppose is the results that counts and not the cost of the individual componenents.
I heard the combo (if not the same, very similar) at the LA Stereophile show (2 years ago?) while I was searching for a replacement for my long time reference, Thiel 3.6. The combo was awesome. Because of the demo, I put Parsifal on my short list to audition, and ultimately bought a pair of Encore.

I've tried to look up Verity speakers at every show I attened after that. But their showing at the RMAF last year was disappointing. The Lohengrin was driven by all Artemis components. The amps were not very powerful, and the room was way too big, the neighbor was too loud. You could not hear anything, and the room was empty every time I walked by the room.

When I tried to audition a pair of Parsifal Ovation, I could not find a dealer anywhere on the west coast that has anything other than Rienzi in stock. I ended up flying out to Colorado to audition when I found a used pair of Encores at a dealer, and bought it.

Verity really should pay more attention at these shows and get their dealer network in order.
