Verity Parsifal Encore VS. Vandersteen 5a

I am interested in just these two speakers if any one has any experience comparing them in particular with moderate powered tube amps(50-100 watts). Which do you prefer and why, I would consider using a 75 watt OTL amp with either. Thanks in advance for any input ~Tim
Hi, Tim:

I can't compare the two speakers, because I have not heard the Parsifals. What may be of interest to you, however, is that Richard Vandersteen used the Tenor OTL tube amps to drive the Vandy 5A's in the Vandy demo room at the CES last month. I have heard from a few of the local audiophiles I know that the Vandy 5A / Tenor OTL sound was outstanding -- probably the best sound from the Vandersteen room in a long time.
I'm the mirror-image here, in that I've heard (owned for three years) the Parsifal Encores.
Attributes are a scarily-good midrange...truly statlike in coherence and speed. Wide-set crossover (150Hz and 5khz!) allows VERY nearfield setup...unusual for a 3-way medium-sized speaker.
The Encore uses a 4 ohm custom-spec woofer that DOES suck some juice, but the total impedence curve doesn't dip too far. My 100/160/w 8/4ohm Aleph 2 monos are just dandy.
This speaker is uncannily resolving, and with pair-matching brought to a +/- 1/4dB extreme the soundstage precision is spectacular.Fortunately the woofer modules are reversible, allowing more room-placement flexibility than most three-ways.
Weakness might be that there's only one 8" woofer per side (though it does reach in-room quite nicely to 30 HZ before falling off!), and thus hard-rockers would prefer lots more mid bass.
As with my previous comparisons with Aeriels, B&W 803N, Revel, etc., wherein I found the Encore's midrange to be clearly the best, but the others could pump more air, I would initially expect the same result from a Vandy/Verity comparo.
I would STRONGLY urge you to compare in your listening room, after acoustic treatment. Have fun. Ern
Hey Tim! Hmmmm! Are we sliding down the slippery slope? Do I gather from your post that the 75 watt OTL might be of a certain Montreal origin and possibly be called an Alto? No, I mean Soprano! No wait, maybe it's a TENOR?????? Do I smell a junkie in the making?

On the serious side my friend, both of those speakers will sound excellent IMHO, with the Tenors. Unfortunately, it would be best to hear them both with the Tenors in the same system. I know this sounds crazy, but I once took my power amps and my CDP to a dealer who carried the two lines of speakers I was considering to hear them with my stuff. Way crazy I know, but it was well worth the effort. I say this because if you get the Tenors, you could take your Aero and the Tenors to a dealer who carries the speakers and at least see what you think (this is assuming you cannot get a home audtion of the speaker).

As far as the Tenors go, I will say that IN MY OPINION (which is based on MY experiences, MY tastes and preferences and MY room and gear), they are BY A LARGE MARGIN, the finest amplifiers this man has ever heard. I have had my beloved Lamms for 4 years and would not have believed it if I had heard it with my own ears, just how much better the Tenors are. They are better in every area, even the bass, yes, I said bass. They are uncanny holographic, refined, effortless, rich, balanced and with simply stunning realism. Their harmonic purity is unbelievable. Do you get the opinion I like them? I have heard many a fine amplifier in my system, but for me, nothing has come close to what these amps can do.

So, are you getting hooked yet? If you do get the Tenors, you can build a system around them and be in sonic heaven. Although the Vandy's would be an easier load, I know for a fact that they sound wonderful with the Parisfals. I have them mated with the Kharma Midi-Grands and they have MORE than enough power and headroom to rock the house (something I was a doubting Thomas about before I got them). I am known to listen to certain funk music and large scale classical at high SPL levels and the Tenors produced the goods better than my former Lamm 100 watt hybrids.

Welcome to the abyss!


PS - just to be clear, I AM talking about the Tenor 75 watt OTLs not the new 300 watt hybrids that I ordered. I have the 75 watters in for review (and I am thinking about just keeping these as I cannot fathom the hybrid being better!)
The vandersteen 5a paired with the Tenor's was one of my very favorite sounds at the CES show. It paired the relaxed, powerhouse bass of the vandersteen with the airy, liquid musicality of the tenor's. SUPERB !
The 5a is a world class speaker. I used to own the 5, and found the 5a finally added in that little bit of missing resolution that the 5 needed.
One of my friends who has verity parsifals put his for sale and is strongly considering the 5a as the replacement. He was very impressed at the show as well. If i find his number I will forward to you.
Tim: What is up? I thought you could live with the Maggie
3.6s for the rest of your life? The Vandy stuff is ok and
the Verity stuff is ok. What happened? You have been reading
way too much A'gon and are getting the Audio Itch and you
want to scratch it with the Tenors? Personally 75 watts, and even though they are tube watts, are not enough for any of the above, especially if you want large dynamics or like playing it loud with even larger dynamic swings. For 15k I would go with the Rowland 302s or the Spectral DMA360s. Tubes, I would look at the new Rogue Zeus( see Rogue internet site), with 250 watts,;apparently at CES, they were
showing them off with the Vandy 5As.