Vinyl vs. CD

Hey out there,I've been listening to a high quality CD playback system for the past couple years and have recently become interested in going to turntable rig.(I still have an LP collection).I have a quality tube pre with phono and decided to buy an inexpensive turntable to spin some of my old favorites (Rega 2 with grado silver) I had no pre-conceived notion of what would sound better,I just remember the enjoyment I got from playing Hendrix, Rolling Stones ect.on an a good ole' record player.After listening to the Rega for a few days I switched back to CD's (Meridian 500 trans 566/24 dac)and found that the remastered CD issues of the same LP's sounded alot better.Must I drop several K's to experience "Vinyl Dreams" ?
Surely you jest Fear3000 (Felix) especially coming from a vinylphile like yourself? But I must agree. CD recordings are improving. In addition the remasterings, especially of rock is easier to listen to than the vinyl of the same in most cases. All things being equal, Carl sums it up quite nicely, the continuousness (resolution) of vinyl is still top dog on an absolute level and I bet all doubting Thomas would be convinced if they could hear a analog great set-up. That said my digital front end with the Bel Canto has put listener fatigue in remission for the time being and I sure welcome the convenience. Now it is time to work on my analog front end. When is this ever going to end?
carl, i'm not surprised that yer vinyl rig surpasses the quality of yer cd rig. but, yust *imagine* the improvements to yer vinyl yude realize w/an upgrade to yer preamp. i only have to assume that yer preamp could use upgrading, as ewe previously mentioned not wanting to reveal its make/model because ewe said "i'd make fun of it". well, all joking aside, i tink yude really be amazed how much improvement a good preamp can make. not that it could possibly improve the sound of yer res-audio cd-player run straight-in... ;~) doug
Tubegroover, you're correct to be suspicious of the post, simply because I did not write it. Clearly someone's registered my moniker here, and is having some fun with this forum. Best Wishes, Felix
Please explain. Tubegroover: do you agree or not with Fear3000's previous post now that he disowns it ? Fear3000: do you prefer CDs or vinyl ?
Sedond, I'll not reveal it, simply for the reason that no matter what it is, guys like you will say things like you said ("just imagine how good it would be if you would just get a better one"). You know what? You don't even know what it is, nor have you heard it in my system, so frankly I don't need to hear what you have to say about it. It's irrelevant, and mere speculation. I'd also lay odds that you don't really think much of the rest of my equipment, either. That's fine, you aren't the arbiter of good sound. You don't decide what's what....thank goodness!